Tag Archive | eye swelling

Nerul woman freed from contact lenses by availing SMILE LASIK from AEHI

Nidhi Srinivasan* was a management employee trainee in a company located in Nerul, Navi Mumbai. After a long day at work, she started experiencing discomfort and pricking sensation in her right eye. Gradually, it turned red. She was worried that an eye infection she recently suffered hasn’t healed yet and is still showing its symptoms.

dry eyes

Red eyes

Given her work load at workplace, she ignored her eye problems and thought these eye problems will heal on its own. However, much to her shock and worry, these symptoms did not stop even after six months and kept troubling her intermittently. And that is when she decided to consult an eye doctor at the earliest.

Based on her doctor’s recommendation, she presented herself at Advanced Eye Hospital & Institute (AEHI), near Vashi.

On the appointment day, she underwent detailed eye check-up. Her eye power was -5.25 in right eye and -5.50 in the left eye. Her eye pressure was within the normal range between 10-20mm Hg. Further, her fundus was also normal.



Then, Nidhi was referred to Dr. Vandana Jain, a Cornea, LASIK and Cataract surgeon. Dr Jain examined her eyes and observed that her conjunctiva showed mild papillary reaction in both eyes more in the right eye. She diagnosed her with contact lens induced allergic eye disease.

Contact lens users are at high risk of developing eye allergies and eye infections including keratitis (corneal ulcer). Such individuals are easy target for all kinds of micro-organisms like bacteria, virus, fungi etc especially if proper contact lens related hygiene is not maintained or there is misuse of contact lenses. Hence, it is common to see them catch conjunctivitis. These infections can give rise to eye pain, redness, swelling, light sensitivity, blurry vision, foreign body sensation, burning, itching etc depending on the nature and severity. Very rarely corneal infections can be sight threatening as well.

Dr. Jain then prescribed her few anti-allergic and lubricating eye drops and asked her to follow up after 3 weeks. She further advised her to discontinue wearing contact lenses completely.

On the follow up day, Nidhi informed that she felt huge relief from the symptoms she presented in her earlier visit at AEHI. And so, she expressed that she would like to get rid of contact lens by undergoing LASIK.

And then Nidhi underwent a detailed pre lasik evaluation which included tests like corneal topography, IOL master, contrast sensitivity, muscle balance testing and dry eye analysis. Nidhi heaved a sigh of relief learning that she could opt for any type of LASIK surgery. She discussed about the various LASIK options with Dr. Jain. After being thoroughly convinced, she opted for ReLEx SMILE LASIK.

ReLEx SMILE LASIK is the most advanced and safest type of LASIK (“Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis”) currently available. The recovery period is short and hence one can return to work within a day itself.



Relex Smile Lasik is a no flap no blade type of laser eye correction surgery (flapless lasik). In this surgery, tiny hole (2-3 mm) is created by femtolaser in the periphery of the cornea (bladeless lasik). The same laser beam also creates a tiny disc of the corneal tissue. This disc is then removed from the tiny incision, thus changing the form of the cornea and correcting the eye power.

After the procedure, she was relieved to bid goodbye to both of her eye problems – i.e. eye allergy as well as high eye power. During the follow up session, she thanked Dr. Jain and the entire team of AEHI wholeheartedly.

Apart from being flapless and bladeless, SMILE LASIK also does not create flap-related complications and reduces the risk of post-surgery dry eye symptoms.

best lasik surgeon navi mumbai

Expert Lasik Surgeon

About Dr. Vandana Jain: Dr. Vandana Jain is an expert Cornea and Lasik surgeon. She has vast experience of performing laser vision correction procedures and has been doing different types of Lasik over two decades. She is well versed with all the latest techniques and advancements in laser vision correction procedures like LASIK, Femto Lasik, Smile Lasik, PRK, etc. 

Best Lasik surgeon Navi Mumbai

Dr Vandana Jain – Lasik Surgeon expert

About Centre for Lasik Surgery at Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute at Sanpada, Navi Mumbai: Centre for Lasik Surgery at Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute is a state of art center for all those who want to get freedom from glasses and contact lenses. It is one of the most advanced centres for glass removal in western India. All different procedures like Lasik, Femto Lasik, PRK, EpiLasik, ReLEx Smile Lasik, LasikXtra and ICL implantation are available under one roof. It has become very popular and trusted center for the residents of Vashi, Sanpada, Nerul, CBD Belapur, Kharghar, Panvel, Koparkhairane, Chembur and other parts of Navi Mumbai and Mumbai.

Advanced Eye Hospital And Institute (AEHI) can be reached at (O): +91 22 67313636, (Emergency): +91 9167360360 or even through Email: contactus@advancedeyehospital.com

Or you can make an appointment online through this link: BOOK AN APPOINTMENT

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Sanpada girl availed SMILE LASIK from AEHI

Charu Sharma works as a senior advocate in a law company located at Nerul. She would often go for hearings in courts across Mumbai to represent her clients. This 35-year-old woman who lived in Sanpada, used to wear eyeglasses since many years. She used to wear contact lenses when outside the house.

However, increased workload, constant requirement of lengthy research, experiences of eye pain, and swelling affected her eyes. She became more and more intolerant to contact lenses and ultimately stopped wearing them.

lunch-breakOnce during a lunch break in her office, she overheard that, her office colleague’s father had undergone cataract surgery the previous month from Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute (AEHI) in Sanpada. Hearing this, Charu immediately searched for AEHI’s address on google and found that it has not just 1 or 2 but ten super eye specialists with best technology for all the eye treatments.

In no time, Charu booked an appointment with Dr. Vandana Jain at Advanced Eye Hospital.  On the day of her visit, Charu underwent comprehensive eye check-up after initial registration.

During her eye check-up, a detailed examination was conducted for anterior segment structures like cornea, lens, iris, as well as for the posterior segment structures of the eye like vitreous humor, retina, choroid, and optic nerve. Eye tests revealed she had internal hordeolum in left eye and compound myopic astigmatism in both the eyes.

Refractive Types of Regular Astigmatism

Refractive Types of Regular Astigmatism

Dr. Vandana Jain prescribed her eye ointment with hot fomentation and asked her to follow up after a week.

Compound Myopic Astigmatism: When both principal meridians are focused in front of the retina (with accommodation relaxed). The principal meridians are the meridians of greatest and least refracting powers. The amount of astigmatism is equal to the difference in refracting power of the two principal meridians.

On the day of follow up, her stye was reduced to a larger extent. Hence, Dr. Jain recommended her to follow the same ointments and eye care instructions and follow up after two weeks.

After two weeks, she underwent a detailed pre Lasik evaluation which included tests like corneal topography, IOL master, contrast sensitivity, muscle balance testing and dry eye analysis. Charu heaved a sigh of relief learning that she could opt for any type of LASIK surgery. She discussed about the various LASIK options with Dr. Jain. After being thoroughly convinced, she opted for ReLEx SMILE LASIK.

The most advanced and safest type of LASIK (“Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis”) available currently is ReLEx SMILE LASIK, a laser eye correction surgery wherein a person can return to work within a day itself. In Relex Smile Lasik no flap (flapless lasik) is created and tiny (2-3 mm) hole is created by femtolaser in the periphery of the cornea (bladeless lasik). The same laser beam also creates a tiny disc of the corneal tissue. This disc is then removed from the tiny incision, thus changing the form of the cornea and correcting the eye power.

Charu underwent SMILE LASIK and was beaming with radiant smile after the procedure. During the follow up session, she thanked Dr. Jain and the entire team of AEHI wholeheartedly.

In today’s era, there is no way we can turn away from computers, mobile phones, social media etc.. Millennials opt for spectacle free eyes and want to put their best feet in front of the world.  LASIK surgery is best way to get freedom from glasses and contact lenses! Many patients have concern about post-Lasik recovery which is understandable. Nevertheless, the only advice is that people should undergo a detailed pre lasik evaluation.

About Dr. Vandana Jain: Dr. Vandana Jain is an expert Cornea and Lasik surgeon. She has vast experience of performing laser vision correction procedures  and has been doing different types of Lasik over two decades. She is well versed with all the latest techniques and advancements in laser vision correction procedures like LASIK, Femto Lasik, Smile Lasik, PRK, etc.


best lasik surgeon navi mumbai

Expert Lasik Surgeon

About Centre for Lasik Surgery at Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute at Sanpada, Navi Mumbai: Centre for Lasik Surgery at Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute is a state of art center for all those who want to get freedom from glasses and contact lenses. It is one of the most advanced centres for glass removal in western India.

Best Lasik surgeon Navi Mumbai

Dr Vandana Jain – Lasik Surgeon expert

All different procedures like Lasik, Femto Lasik, PRK, EpiLasik, ReLEx Smile Lasik, LasikXtra and ICL implantation are available under one roof. It has become very popular and trusted center for the residents of Vashi, Sanpada, Nerul, CBD Belapur, Kharghar, Panvel, Koparkhairane, Chembur and other parts of Navi Mumbai and Mumbai.

Advanced Eye Hospital And Institute (AEHI) can be reached at (O): +91 22 67313636, (Emergency): +91 9167360360 or even through Email: contactus@advancedeyehospital.com

Or you can make an appointment online through this link: BOOK AN APPOINTMENT

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